The symbol is a green sugarcane to highlight the growth potential of the freedoms that our our forebears fought for, if we worked decisively to expand and deepen these freedoms. The sweetness of the sugarcane represents the sweetness of the open, free, plural, accountable, equitable and prosperous Kenyan society that Ukweli Party stands and strives for.
Ukweli Party obtained full registration by the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORRP) in January 2017 and became the 63rd registered political party in Kenya.
Ukweli Party was founded by a collective of Kenyans with a track record of struggle for social justice, human rights, democracy and public accountability.
No, Ukweli Party is a political organization and movement all Kenyans irrespective of age, sex, tribe, race, religion, belief system, region or social class - so long as you are inspired by our vision and long-term programme, you strongly believes that a just, equitable and inclusive Kenya is possible and you are ready to be an active citizenship to make that Kenya possible.
The agenda of Ukweli Party is a better Kenya for all Kenyans - where governance and leadership is about service and not status or patronage; a vibrant, equitable and inclusive Kenyan economy; universal access to adequate and affordable social services like education, health, water, electricity and housing and environmental justice. Ukweli Party believes that all this is possible through active citizenship, nationhood, rule of law and an end to a pervasive culture of impunity in Kenya.
Ukweli Party is not a member of any of the political coalitions. Our position is that all the coalitions are creations of individuals with dubious political records. They represent everything that we stand up against. Therefore, there can be no basis of a coalition with them. In future however, Ukweli Party will seek strategic and principled alliances with political parties that it rigorously determines as sharing in ideals.
The Party’s major achievement is the ability to have in our ranks members with accomplished records of influencing change for the benefit of all Kenyans. We will leverage on the talent, experience, commitment to build a formidable political movement and party.
Ukweli Party is a national party with its headquarters in Nairobi. Our Secretariat is at Kenya House, Koinange Street. We also have offices in several counties across the country.
You can participate in Ukweli Party activities by signing up as a member, serving the party as a leader/organizer nationally or in your Branch, recruiting others to join the movement, volunteering, donating, helping popularise the Party in your area, taking part in meetings near you, and supporting Party candidates in their campaigns.
The uniqueness of Ukweli Party lies in the choices we have made since founding: Ukweli Party is a people’s mass movement: not an ad-hoc private enterprise. We are not a tribal outfit and neither will Ukweli Party mobilize political support on the basis of tribe. We reject and stand against all forms of sexism, patronage, sectionalism and bigotry. Our DNA is integrity and accountability. Ukweli Party is an ambitious, bold journey of Kenya’s transformation that sees politics and governance beyond elections. We are a people’s mass movement that doesn’t rest between elections.
Our slogan is inspired by Article 1 of the Constitution of Kenya which grants all sovereign power to the people of Kenya. Ukweli Party’s reason for existence is to work towards the full restoration of the sovereignty and political power to where it belongs: the people of Kenya.
Visit and check out our website or like our Facebook page, follow us on twitter @UkweliParty, drop us an email on or visit our offices to meet and get to learn more about the Party from our staff, volunteers and officials.